
Monday 24 October 2011

Harry's bad day

Poor old Sir Harry Pearce KBE had a shocker of a day yesterday.  It started off with him being stuffed into the boot of a car, got momentarily brighter when he was sprung by members of his team, and then fell apart completely within the space of - if the TV show running time was anything to go by - about half an hour.

First of all, his unconvincing Russian-ex revealed that she had been playing him along for thirty years.  Then she told him that their son Sasha wasn't actually his son at all.  Personally, I'd have been quite relieved to hear this as he's seemed a nasty piece of work from the start.  Finally, as if those two bombshells weren't enough, his Spooks belle, Ruth, was stabbed in the lung with a piece of broken glass by nasty Sasha and died dreaming about a grotty house in Suffolk with peeling green paint on the front door.  I wasn't actually sure whether Harry's distress was caused by Ruth dying or by the stupidity of her buying a property that needed a lot of work doing on it. In any event, we did see him visit the property later, check the peeling paint, check the kitchen and then leave.  It was all rather strange.

Yes, last night was the very last (allegedly) episode of Spooks on BBC1 and it went out with the most convoluted of plots and improbable events.  On the basis of that performance, the team's retirement, let alone Sir Harry's, seemed well overdue.

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