
Friday 23 September 2011

A case of the runs

What do the retailers know that we don't know? Go into Sainsbury's right now and all the toilet rolls seem to be on offer at discounted prices. The first thing that greets you as you go through the doors at my local superstore is a massive pack of 18 Sainsbury's own brand toilet rolls for £6.50. So naturally, that was the first item in my trolley.

Not, mind you, that I am planning to suddenly adopt a high-fibre diet, or eat packets of prunes, or pop laxatives. But you know, I have three young children who spill drinks, spill food, wet themselves occasionally, have runny noses... Faced with any of those scenarios, thirty-odd-pence for a toilet roll doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

Dumping Indian elephant courtesy of deviantart.